I'm having some issues with a certain person in my life. I'll keep that vague, because I don't really want to get into a fight, I just need to vent. I'm also sure that people feel this way about me, but that's okay.
I'm sick of people saying uncharitable things about me behind my back. I'm sick of people pointing out the speck, (okay it may be a log,) in my eye when they have a log in theirs. I'm sick of this holier-than-thou, high-falutin', better than you in every way and don't you even TRY to live up to my standard of living militant bull-poop.
If this person really tried to live to the standard that they believe that they do they would,
1. Be more understanding.
2. Lead by example.
3. Draw others in through encouragement, rather than by tearing others down.
I mean, I can learn from all those things too. But there is one person in particular, a person that I've spent a lot of time lately FUMING about who has been particularly unkind to me and has really just been pushing my buttons. I don't even want to see this person anymore because I feel they are TOXIC. I know I have already labeled my Dad as toxic, and decided I didn't want him in my life anymore. I would hate to become a person who always needs someone to feel angry at, but this other person I have felt this way about for quite some time. Unfortunately I can't just cut this person out of my life, the logistics don't make sense. So I will just have to learn how to let their nasty comments roll off my back, because honestly, I don't care about their opinion anyways.
Whoa... please tell me I am not that person. But I hope that you will get over detesting whoeer it is, because as long as you hate or detest someone, they are controlling your life. Just remember that. I love you Emma... So very much!!!!