

Since I've gotten back from MN I'm just so up and down!  One minute I'm happy and goofy and smiling and the next minute I'm crying and I just want to hit whoever has the misfortune of being next to me, (usually Corry...)  I don't know what's wrong with me!  I think it's the weather or missing my family or the fact that I haven't been getting much sleep or maybe I haven't been active enough...I feel like how I did when I was 14.  Just all over the place.  I wish I could get myself under control and act like a normal person.  Oh well...I'm sure I'm just going through a restless phase. Corry's brother got our computer fixed, which makes me happy.  It's nice to have one again, I forget how convenient the internet is when I have it, and then when we don't I find that I've lost the chinese takeout number, or I want to look up Walgreen's hours before I go out to get Tums.  Stuff like that.  I'm glad to have that back.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, and be able to connect with people a little more too. I love you honey!

